Walking 6,000 miles around the country, Marine Veteran Jonathan Hancock uses the solitude of the road and the company of his fellow Marine brothers and the families of their fallen to successfully manage the wounds of war that never fully heal. With remarkable honesty, insight and humor, Jon’s journey is uniquely positive. It’s about changing the ways one relates to traumatic memories. It’s about beginning the healing process.
"You told everyone my darkest secrets and revealed my self-destructive thought patterns. Although it shook me to my core, the healing and perspective I gained from watching has changed my life forever."
"Everything hit home, and hard. This will help so many guys out there that maybe can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. This will show them, and help them get moving towards it."
"Jon carried a piece of us all on his journey and I thank him for that. Beautiful testament to him, our Gold Star families and the men in our unit. Warriors from our generation will be able to connect with the film and society may learn to better understand those that serve in war."
"There are too many stories out there that paint a “doom and gloom” picture for returning veterans, but this is a real story of a Marine’s experiences, the power of the relationships with his comrades and the road to recovery.”
"The love that we have for each other seems to be the greatest emotion we have. Something that we share beyond the sadness and grief of combat. It’s what keeps my spirit up. It’s what pushes me to want to be the best person I can. If not for me then for everyone one of those guys I fought with and more importantly the guys who died. It’s something that I would need to watch often to keep me grounded and put shit into perspective."
Brian Morrison is a film producer and videographer based in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area. He produces music videos, commercials and corporate videos. Bastards' Road is his first documentary project.
Mark Stafford is a screenwriter and novelist based in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area. His unique experience and insight bring the narrative of Bastards' Road to life.
Jeremy SH Griffith is a multi instrumentalist, producer and mixer based in Florida. He has worked with artists such as Johnny Swim, Norma Jean, Sunbears and Old Sea Brigade. He has previously scored the film Dare Not Walk Alone from Indican Pictures.
Press - Cinematic Red
Annie Jeeves - annie@cinematicred.com
Other General Inquiries - The Wood Room
Brian Morrison - bjmorrison@gmail.com